Author Archives: Jessica Kelley

How long do I wear the Abdominal Binder?

Question: How  long do I need to wear my Abdominal Binder?


On average, women wear their abdominal binders 6-8 weeks post op. A lot depends on the actual procedure you had, and if there were any complications. Many women will start to only wear during the day, while they are active. They “wean” themselves off the binder as they move through recovery. Just listen to your body!

Every one is different, and we recommend talking to your doctor about wearing the binder and the length of time that would be beneficial for you.

Be kind to yourself,
Bluebird Sisters(tm)

Register for Savings

We know everyone loves deals. We are right there with you. An easy way to save on your first order is to register with the Bluebird Sisters Store. The welcome email you receive has a code for 15% off!

Just click here to sign up today. You can also always click Register on the top right hand side of the site.

Thank you for supporting The Hysterectomy Store and CSection Store.

Be kind to yourself,
Bluebird Sisters(tm)

Does my pillow need a pocket?

Question: Why do I need a pillow with a pocket for recovery?

Pillows are very helpful to patients after abdominal surgery of any kind – hysterectomy, tummy tuck, c-section. Although, it may not make sense to you if you haven’t had your surgery yet, you will learn fairly quickly that coughing and sneezing can strain your tender tummy. Therefore, hold a small pillow over your incision! Use the tummy pillow as you cough or sneeze or laugh as it will support and protect your tender tummy.

Going home

Plan for your drive home from the hospital. You should bring a small pillow with you in the car. Place it between you and the seat belt for a safer and more comfortable car ride. It will feel help soothe your sore belly.

At home

Once at home, your tummy pillow is even more helpful!  You can use it to prevent pets and small children from bumping your incisions as they share the sofa with you. A tummy pillow held against your belly with gentle compression helps your incisions and tender belly from hurting as you laugh.

In bed

In bed, you’ll find a tummy pillow helpful if you are a side sleeper. Or sleep with it between your knees to keep strain off your back or hips.

The pocket on the Pocket Pillow is to hold an ice pack or a heated pack for your comfort against your tender abdominal incision/s. And the good news, Pocket Pillow comes with 2 cold/hot packs. We send you two so you have one to use while the other is in the freezer or being warmed in the microwave.

Read more about the Pocket Tummy Pillow here.

P.S. Our covers are handmade, so if you see a color or pattern you love, don’t wait! Once a color is gone, its not guaranteed to be back in stock.

Be kind to yourself,
Bluebird Sisters(tm)