Category Archives: Featured Products

Featuring favorite and best selling products to help customers find what they need for hysterectomy, abdomial surgeries like c-section and tummy tuck. Although hysterectomy surgery is different in some ways to other abdominal surgeries, it is very similar in its recovery needs to a tummy tuck surgery, a c-section (caesarean section) and other open abdominal surgeries.

Looking to help?

Looking to help a friend or loved one recover from a hysterectomy, csection, or other abdominal surgery? We offer gift certificates that are emailed and available for immediate use!

If someone is asking how they can help you – share this link with them. Let them help you!

We have great products for surgery recovery and menopause.

Purchase a gift certificate HERE!

Be kind to yourself,
Bluebird Sisters(tm)

Your Hysterectomy Guide

Your Hysterectomy Guide is packed with information to help you prepare and recover from a hysterectomy. From “Do I really need a hysterectomy?” all the way through to “When can I return to work?”.

Questions with answers, tips, and diagrams. It’s packed with everything you need or want to know for your upcoming hysterectomy. Your Hysterectomy Guide is an eBook and available for immediate download!

Read more and download your copy: Your Hysterectomy Guide

Be kind to yourself,
Bluebird Sisters(tm)