Category Archives: From our Customers

Posts and reviews from our customers with helpful product information.

Guide – Are all hysterectomies the same?

From Your Hysterectomy Guide

Are all hysterectomies the same?

Even if the consensus for treatment is a hysterectomy, different practices might offer different, less-invasive methods like vaginal, laparoscopic, and robotic hysterectomy. Whenever possible and appropriate for your diagnosis, you should consider one of these over an abdominal hysterectomy. Minimally invasive procedures reduce the risk of …..

Read more from Your Hysterectomy Guide.

Guide – How do I prepare for surgery?

From Your Hysterectomy Guide

How do I prepare for surgery and recovery?

Stay organized!

You will likely come home from your pre-op appointments with lots of paperwork and instructions. Go ahead and find a folder, binder or basket you can keep everything in. This will reduce stress from now through recovery. If you really want to get fancy, you can ….

Read more in Your Hysterectomy Guide.

Guide – What Questions should I ask?

From Your Hysterectomy Guide

What questions should I ask?

Hindsight is 20/20. Sometimes we don’t know what questions we should ask until its too late. But fortunately you can learn from the women who have walked this road before you. Here are the questions they wished they had asked:

  1. Should I stop taking my normal prescription and/or over the counter medicine and supplements before surgery? If so, how long before?
  2. Is it ok to drink alcohol prior to surgery? If not, when should I stop?
  3. Is it ok to have sex the night before surgery?
  4. …… Read more in Your Hysterectomy Guide.