Are there any “MUST HAVES” that I should purchase for my upcoming surgery?
Here are some suggestions from our customers:
“I loved having an ice pack. At first I used a sack of frozen peas and then I ordered the cold/heat packs from the store. LOVED them. I used them multiple ways for my surgery recovery and then I keep them in the freezer for any aches and pains on me or the family. I’ve also been known to put the ice pack inside my shirt if I’m having a hot flash. Desperation!”
“I found I most “needed” two things: my body pillow and a big plastic cup with a lid and a straw. The pillow I purchased a couple weeks before surgery at Walmart, and the hospital gave me the cup.”
“Love the abdominal binder!”
“Support underwear was a requirement. I wanted to get back to work as soon as possible. When I wore them, my “swelly belly” felt supported as I walked around. If you get some, consider sizing up slightly to accommodate your swollen belly. You want the panties snug but not so tight they hurt.”
“My husband put a bell next to my bed for me to call for help! It made me giggle since I could text him on my phone, too!”
“For lounging around the house, I loved my loose fitting night gowns or pjs.”
“Don’t forget your gassy tummy. I found Gas X, lots of water and walking helped me the most.”
“I put a basket near me in bed and moved it next to the sofa as I moved from one spot to the other. In my recovery basket I kept: tissue, lip balm, my hospital papers, phone, pad of paper, pen, a place to write down when I had last taken my pain meds and a few water bottles.”
“The Perfect Pocket Binder at the Hysterectomy Store was indeed – perfect! It came with an ice pack that can be frozen or heated. It felt awesome against my sore tummy!”
“Don’t forget a Tummy pillow! When you cough or sneeze, hold it against your tummy anytime you need extra support or protection. In fact, I kept my tummy pillow with me and it protected me from my fur babies who liked to share the couch with me. The one from the store had a pocket for my cold pack. It was extra relief for my tender belly.”
“The store packaged the binders together to make it easy. They call it the Great Binder Set. It came with the binder, the pocket binder, cold/hot packs and a laundry wash bag. I loved the convenience and used each of the binders while my tummy was so swollen and sore.”
Have you recovered from a hysterectomy? What would you add to the list?
Be kind to yourself,