Maggi’s Story

I inherited irregular, painful, and too frequent cycles by the age of 13 from my Mother and Grandmother who struggled in the same manner. I was diagnosed with PCOS by age 15. I had a “gut” feeling that I was dealing with something bigger than just PCOS, but doctors fought me on providing me with certain tests and procedures due to my young age. I was only offered solutions that relied on medications to treat my symptoms.

Finally, at the age of 38, I found an OBGYN/Surgeon who turned out to be a huge blessing for me. After receiving the results from scans, tests, and a biopsy, he recommended I have a hysterectomy. I had a daVinci Robotic Hysterectomy procedure done on Jan 22, 2020 and everything, but my left Ovary was removed. The surgeon found that I had been battling extensive Adenomyosis, Endometriosis, and pelvic adhesions. The surgery itself went perfectly and I’m so glad I had it done!

I’m now 9+ weeks post op and I feel like a new person. My recovery went very smoothly. Only the first 7 days were difficult. I found that my recovery as a whole, depended on my level of pain tolerance. You must use your own common sense to figure out what works for you. The best tool I made use of for comfortable rest/sleep was a reclining pillow with leg support and a heating pad on a low setting. I rested and slept in a semi flat position for the first 14 days of my recovery. It allowed me to heal safely and without discomfort. A clean diet and getting up to walk frequently will cut down on post op pain as well. Intimacy with my husband is better than before my surgery. In my opinion, knowing how your own body is made and how it functions, is knowledge that every woman should have for safe healing, enjoyable intimacy, and healthy exercise etc.

My hysterectomy provided me with an end to my daily pain. I have no debilitating cramps anymore, and I’ve achieved an end to my excessive bleeding. If you are trying to decide what is best for your own health, continue to research all your options. Websites like HysterSisters is an excellent place to go for advice and support! If you choose to have a hysterectomy, make sure you find a highly skilled and experienced OBGYN who specializes in minimally invasive gynecological surgery. I can’t recommend the daVinci method of Hysterectomy more. I have absolutely no regrets!


Submitted by Maggi